What Is Polypropylene

Polypropylene is a type of thermoplastic polymer resin. It is a part of both the average household and is in commercial and industrial applications. The chemical designation is C3H6. One of the benefits of using this type of plastic is that it can be useful in numerous applications including as a structural plastic or as a fiber-type plastic.

The history of polypropylene began in 1954 when a German chemist named Karl Rehn and an Italian chemist named Giulio Natta first polymerized it. This led to a large commercial production of the product that began just three years later. Natta synthesized the first syndiotactic polypropylene.

Everyday Uses
The uses of polypropylene are numerous because of how versatile this product is. According to some reports, the global market for this plastic is 45.1 million tons, which equates to a consumer market use of about $65 billion. It is used in products such as the following:
·         Plastic parts - from toys to automobile products
·         Carpeting - in all forms of carpeting, area rugs and in upholstery
·         Reusable products - especially in containers and similar products
·         Paper - used in various applications for stationery and other writing bindings
·         Technology - commonly found in loudspeakers and similar types of equipment
·         Laboratory equipment - in virtually every aspect where plastics are found
·         Thermoplastic fiber reinforced composites